Felix Malozi Chingezhi
Felix Malozi Chingezhi is the Regional Manager of Benefits Consulting Services Limited, having assumed this role in 2008. His role include, negotiating new business/projects, marketing the Company products, Trustees and Members’ training, liaison with client company focal point persons-HR/unions/management, disciplinary cases, staff recruitment, and training.
Prior to this position, he was the Finance Manager/Company Secretary/Chief Accountant at Mukuba Pension Trustees Limited. He has also worked for Coopers and Lybrand and Kangwa and Associates as the Audit Manager, and Senior Accountant – Management Accountant at Meridian BIAO Bank Zambia Limited among many other. He has over twenty-eight (28) years of experience and has worked in the pensions, banking and commerce industries holding various senior positions.
Malozi is a Fellow of ACCA, ZICA and Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, UK. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and a Law Degree from Copperstone University, as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from the Copperbelt University.